The Big-Picture View of Quantum’s Potential

Jay Lowell is a principal senior technical fellow at The Boeing Company, where he helps guide technical strategy and research implementation regarding disruptive emerging technologies. Before joining Boeing, he served as a researcher at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and as a professor in the U.S. Air Force. David Ihrie, chief technology officer of the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation, spoke with Lowell about Boeing’s quantum priorities and how the company fits quantum technology into its existing mission.

David Ihrie: Can you give us a high-level overview of Boeing’s work in the quantum space?

Jay Lowell: I work in a small organization within Boeing called Disruptive Computing Networks and Sensors. We have a charter to essentially be a little innovation hub within the company in a couple of disruptive areas. One of those is quantum technology. The other is what we call high-fidelity digital twins, which is about making digital representations of the nonmechanical aspects of our products so that we can better understand their function, advance our understanding of how they’ll behave, and test those things that make the systems work.

What we really have done is take a broad view of quantum technology development and try to make sure we understand how that aligns with our company’s business and product interests. We look at the general types of quantum technology development — quantum sensing, quantum computing, and quantum networking. We’ve established a series of projects in each of those thrusts. We have a number of quantum sensing projects, including ones to develop better optical clocks and figure out how to use them to drive some of our products to work better and provide better value to our customers.

Jay Lowell

We have a quantum computing applications team that focuses on understanding algorithms that can run on quantum computers supporting business objectives and how we might incorporate those within the business. And, every bit as importantly, when is it time to start thinking about incorporating those into the business? When do we switch from researching how a quantum computer will help us to using it in design engineering and manufacturing? 

We try to take a long view. Boeing doesn’t make everything we use in our products, nor should we. In doing that, we looked at it strategically and said, “The thing that we need to be better at than anybody else is understanding how to apply these capabilities to the parts of the business that are important to us.

”To me, that’s the way a company the size of Boeing can do things differently than a smaller company. We not only have the resources to take that longer view, but we have a company culture of working on products that take a long, long time to come to market. Airplane development programs are 15-, 20-, 30-year projects from start to finish. That comes with a discipline and understanding of what it takes to look at the big picture and really take the time to understand the value of a particular technology.

Ihrie: Can you provide any specific use cases that you’re looking at as you incorporate those kinds of capabilities? What timelines do you see? 

Lowell: The main things we’ve been looking at right now are in materials development. The process of developing a new material system and qualifying it for use in an aviation environment or an aviation application can be a 20-year process. We see opportunities to use computation and simulation to speed that process along and shorten the time we spend searching for a material, or understanding how that material might interact with other materials by doing higher-fidelity, deeper simulations using quantum computers.

Another one we’ve been looking at is optimization of composite systems. That turns out to be a very difficult combinatorial optimization problem. While quantum computers now are not big enough to outperform our high-performance computing systems and methods, we’ve been studying how these problems scale on a quantum computer differently than they scale using our current methods. Based on that, we see a point where the quantum computers will become more capable, so we’re trying to predict where that timeline might be and prepare for that crossover and transition in the future.

The regional ecosystem in Northern Virginia is ideally suited to support these kinds of activities. There is a large population of people with advanced degrees and a large concentration of government research and development organizations.

Jay Lowell Principal Senior Technical Fellow, The Boeing Company

Ihrie: It sounds like you’re talking about very broad-based functional teams — not just aerospace engineers, but a range of specialties. Any thoughts around how the ecosystem or how Virginia can support your evolving workforce needs going forward?

Lowell: We looked at this much as we look at developing an airplane. It’s clear that everybody who works on an airplane isn’t an aeronautical engineer, and everybody who’s going to work on some sort of quantum project doesn’t need to be a quantum physicist. 

Almost every project team I have is multidisciplinary. I have no team that is entirely physicists. Maybe this is self-serving or a little biased, but my view is that our teams are better for it. We have people who are able to ask questions differently than a quantum physicist might ask and find things. Professional diversity really helps us do a better job developing products and not missing stuff because of biases that having all the same type of people working on a project brings to the solution. Having large interdisciplinary product teams is really how we drive our products to fruition. 

We recently announced that we’re moving our headquarters to Virginia. But more important than that announcement was that we’re establishing a research and technology hub in the area. One of its focus areas will be quantum sciences, along with cybersecurity, autonomous operations, and software and systems engineering. The regional ecosystem in Northern Virginia is ideally suited to support these kinds of activities. There is a large population of people with advanced degrees and a large concentration of government research and development organizations. We’re confident the Virginia region has the talent we need to make that hub a success.

Ihrie: How do you see Boeing contributing to the larger ecosystem? What might be Boeing’s role in helping to grow and make that a positive feedback ecosystem?

Lowell: We do a number of different things. We serve on the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, which is helping build the national ecosystem of companies that work in this quantum space. We are working very heavily with the Potomac Quantum Innovation Center. It’s a collaboration of businesses, industry, and government in the Washington area trying to drive and guide development of quantum capabilities in the region.

We invest in regional university development. We see universities as key elements in developing people and talent, and also as places to incubate ideas. 

We have a long history of working with small businesses and manufacturers to refine the products and services they provide to meet our specific requirements. We will continue that in the quantum technology space and be development partners with smaller companies, providing resources to specialize what they do to meet our requirements for devices or products where they’re different from what they produce ready-made for customers.

Ihrie: Are there any other ideas or topics you’d like to touch on?

Lowell: Something you had asked earlier was: How might quantum impact the average citizen’s everyday life? The place where I think more people will be impacted in a tangible way is in development of advanced medical sensors using quantum sensor technology. This is an area with substantial market need for advancements. It’s a product that the general public will see because we’re each medical patients at some point in our lives and likely to need those kinds of sensors.

An MRI is an early example of a quantum sensor. Advanced versions of MRIs, for instance, enable people to do functional brain scans without sitting in an MRI with a huge magnet around them. These sensors have an opportunity to profoundly impact people around the world by changing the cost of providing that kind of specialized sensing, as well as the quality of the data produced and the eventual medical outcome.

The other space I’m betting on is navigation. I think this is where quantum sensing provides very clear advantages and allows systems to be built that are both more accurate and more reliable over time. We as a company are very, very focused on this. In fact, we’re doing a flight test to demonstrate quantum navigation systems later this year.

Ihrie: How do you think about the interaction between artificial intelligence and quantum technologies, whether it’s autonomy or quantum computing or something else?

Lowell: Machine learning in the end is about building a model able to take some collection of data and predict how a new piece of data that comes in fits with the original set. You do that one of two ways. You either train a system — provide it lots and lots and lots of images of cats and humans and it finds the edge between those two categories by figuring out where the examples are and then draws the best line that demarcates cat from human — or you use other kinds of machine learning models that are called generative models. These models don’t tell the machine what the answer is. You have it look at the data and ask, “What can you learn about this? What conclusions can you derive from the data as it’s presented?” They seem to function a little bit more like a human brain.

To what extent can the introduction of quantum behaviors improve these generative models’ ability to discern categorization without it being presented to them? Early research indicates that quantum-like behavior seems to improve models’ ability to understand or to develop a categorization that makes sense without being told what the category is.

Ihrie: It’s going to be a fascinating few years, maybe decades, watching these technologies evolve. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your time and your insights.

Lowell: Thank you, David. It’s been a pleasure. 

For the full interview, visit

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