VEDP Orientation
VEDP is pleased to provide information and resources to our economic development partners across the Commonwealth.
VEDP offers quarterly Economic Development (ED) 101 and VEDP Orientation sessions to leaders and practitioners involved in economic development across Virginia. The ED 101 session is led in conjunction with the VEDP Orientation on a quarterly basis. Sessions typically occur in March, June, September, and December.
The audience for ED 101 is local government officials that want to learn more about the economic development ecosystem in Virginia. This can include local and regional economic developers, Chief Administrative Officers responsible for economic development, and local elected officials. ED 101 provides an introductory overview of economic development, VEDP, and how economic development impacts the Commonwealth as a whole. The ED 101 session is from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
The VEDP Orientation provides a deep dive into each division within VEDP and the resources we offer our partners. These orientations are geared to those who are new to economic development, including local and regional economic developers across the state, interested in learning more about VEDP. The VEDP Orientation is from 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Upcoming Sessions
Wednesday, April 3rd: Economic Development 101
Wednesday, April 3rd: VEDP Orientation
Wednesday, June 26th: Economic Development 101
Wednesday, June 26th: VEDP Orientation
Wednesday, September 4th: Economic Development 101
Wednesday, September 4th: VEDP Orientation
Monday, December 16th: Economic Development 101
Monday, December 16th: VEDP Orientation
Contact %20lbrown [at] (Lesley Brown) for more information.