The Rights-of-Way Certification Program may allow the utility to acquire rights-of-way for the ordinary extension of utility facilities in the normal course of business to one or more qualified economic development sites and to recover costs incurred, subject to approval by the State Corporation Commission (SCC).


John Loftus
804.545.5786 | jmhaynes [at] (jloftus[at]vedp[dot]org)


  • The person with legal authority to develop the site is authorized to contract for the extension of utility service to the site.
  • The development of the site is compliant with applicable zoning requirements and is consistent with the locality's comprehensive plan.
  • The site is classified as at least a Tier 3 site under VEDP’s Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (VBRSP).
  • The acquisition of utility rights-of-way for the site will further the creation of new jobs and capital investment in the Commonwealth.


  • The utility and participating locality submits an application, which is reviewed by VEDP’s Incentives Division.
  • VEDP certifies projects that meet the eligibility criteria for participation in the program.
  • VEDP provides the utility a certification letter that may be submitted with the utility’s proposal to the SCC.
