Premier Tech to invest $1.89 million to expand production facility

KING AND QUEEN COUNTY—Governor Ralph Northam today announced that Premier Tech, a global leader in the horticulture and agriculture sector, will invest $1.89 million to expand its peat moss and pine bark mixing and distribution facility in King and Queen County. The investment will enable the company to increase its production capacity and introduce new products to the East Coast market. Virginia successfully competed with Minnesota for this project, which will create 20 new jobs.

“As one of King and Queen County’s largest employers, Premier Tech is an invaluable corporate partner whose expansion will have far-reaching benefits, both for the region and for Virginia’s agriculture and forestry industries,” said Governor Northam. “Global manufacturers such as Premier Tech are drawn to the Middle Peninsula for its strong manufacturing talent pool and competitive operating costs. We are grateful to Premier Tech for its commitment to rural Virginia, and we look forward to seeing the company continue to thrive in the Commonwealth.”

Founded in 1923, Premier Tech is a global manufacturer of packaging equipment, water management systems, and growing media products, with over 4,500 team members in 26 countries. The company’s activities are organized within three key business segments: Horticulture and Agriculture, Industrial Equipment, and Environmental Technologies. Premier Tech operates six locations in the U.S., including the King and Queen County facility which produces mixes of mulch, fertilizers, and growing media solutions.

“With its rich natural resource heritage, the Middle Peninsula is the ideal location for a company such as Premier Tech that specializes in innovative horticultural and agricultural products,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Brian Ball. “This important win for the Commonwealth demonstrates the project’s significance to the local and regional economies, and we thank Premier Tech for its decision to expand and reinvest in King and Queen County.”

“Premier Tech’s commitment to source 100 percent of its pine bark needs from the Commonwealth creates an important new market for Virginia’s forest products industry,” said Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Bettina Ring. “In addition, Premier Tech’s products will continue to support Virginia’s strong and growing greenhouse and nursery industry. This project highlights how investments in our manufacturing sector reverberate throughout the economy.”

“Premier Tech has always made it a priority to keep moving forward, by improving and by strengthening our ability to perform well so we can be successful in our markets and secure our future,” said Bernard Bélanger, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Premier Tech. “But above all, our priority is to better serve our clients and help them achieve success, too. This initiative is one more step in that direction, reaffirming Premier Tech’s long-term commitment to streamlining our manufacturing activities and strengthening our presence in the United States.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with King and Queen County, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to secure the project for Virginia. Governor Northam approved a $75,000 grant from the Commonwealth’s Opportunity Fund to assist King and Queen County with the project. The Governor also approved a $75,000 grant from the Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development (AFID) Fund administered by VDACS. The company is eligible for Sales and Use tax exemptions on manufacturing equipment as well as recycling tax credits for the processing of recyclable materials. Funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP).

“The King and Queen County Board of Supervisors is proud that Premier Tech has chosen to expand its operation in King and Queen County,” said King and Queen County Board of Supervisors Chairman Russell F. Bailey. “This expansion will bring new jobs and investment to the County as well as create greater opportunities and markets for our agriculture and timber industries. As a county with a vibrant and progressive agricultural/timber-based economy, we have great appreciation for the innovative products that are manufactured by Premier Tech both in King and Queen and at other locations across the globe. We are excited to have the opportunity to broaden our relationship with this amazing company.”

“From the time of our founding in 1607, horticulture and agriculture have been essential to the character and strength of Virginia,” said Senate Majority Leader Thomas K. Norment, Jr. “By expanding its facility in King and Queen, Premier Tech has made the right decision for them, for the people of our region, and for Virginia. We are fortunate to have Premier Tech as a part of our community and thank them for the confidence they have confirmed in all of us.”

“The 1.89-million-dollar expansion of Premier Tech is a tremendous asset to King and Queen County and the entire region,” said Delegate Keith Hodges. “An investment in our community by this global business leader today opens the door for new economic development opportunities tomorrow.”

“In King and Queen County, agriculture and forestry are a way of life,” said Congressman Rob Wittman. “This $1.89 million investment and 20 new jobs will not only enrich the local economy but also enable Premier Tech to introduce new products to the East Coast market. This is an incredible step forward for our community, and Virginia is an excellent place to continue their successes. This investment in King and Queen County is further proof that the First District is a great place for businesses to flourish. I wish Premier Tech luck as it grows its business venture here.”

Press Contact(s)

Ofirah Yheskel
Office of the Governor
Virginia Economic Development Partnership
France Bégin Parent Premier Tech
begf [at]