Seven Virginia communities to receive site remediation funding from Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund 

RICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe today announced approximately $2.57 million in Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund (VBAF) Site Remediation Grants for seven localities in the Commonwealth including Henrico and Prince Edward Counties; the Cities of Danville, Newport News, Norfolk, and Richmond; and the Town of South Hill. VBAF was established to provide either grants or loans to local governments to promote the restoration and redevelopment of brownfield sites and to address environmental problems or obstacles to reuse in an effort to effectively market to new economic development prospects. VBAF is a partnership program between the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).

“In this round of funding, we have been able to more than double the number of localities that will receive grants from The Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund to revitalize sites that will generate jobs and economic activity in the years to come,” said Governor McAuliffe. “VBAF is a catalyst for taking sites that are currently a drag on economic vitality and turning them into significant assets for localities in every corner of the Commonwealth. I congratulate all seven localities on their efforts to bring these sites back to life, and commend VEDP and DEQ for partnering on this impactful program.”

The General Assembly allotted funds for Fiscal Year 2017 to be used for Site Remediation Grants in amounts of up to $500,000. The Site Remediation Grants will cover efforts that include: remediation of a contaminated property to remove hazardous substances and wastes, the demolition and removal of existing structures, and other site work necessary to make a site or property usable for new economic development. In addition to Site Remediation Grants, Site Assessment Grants are available to communities for assistance with environmental and cultural resource site assessments and development of remediation and reuse plans.

“Attractive, available sites are vital to economic development, and VBAF enables communities across the Commonwealth to redevelop inoperative and often forgotten sites,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Todd Haymore. “Since the program was established in 2011, the VBAF has awarded over $5 million to restore Virginia’s brownfield sites. From adaptive reuse of schools and creating new recreational spaces to developing mixed-use office and industrial parks, this program’s funding will go towards the renovation of a variety of community assets that add great value in attracting high quality talent and businesses to Virginia.”

“The award of these grants shows Virginia’s commitment to addressing longstanding environmental concerns in our communities and returning these sites to productive economic reuse. Making these investments is critical to the future of Virginia’s environment and economy,” said Secretary of Natural Resources Molly Ward. 

“I am delighted the Partnership has agreed to fund projects to enable these communities to find new uses for former industrial sites. I encouraged greater funding of the Brownfields program as a means to protect against unnecessary sprawl into our beautiful communities,” added Senator Frank Ruff.

The VBAF program is targeted toward projects or phases of work associated with the restoration and redevelopment of brownfield sites that, by their completion, will generate additional private investment and job creation in the immediate future. Grants were awarded based upon meeting at least one of the following priorities:

Use or reuse of existing infrastructure;
Limited ability to draw on other funding sources;
Potential for redevelopment and reuse of the site;
Economic benefits; and
Environmental benefits.

Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund Awards

City of Danville

Henrico County

City of Newport News

City of Norfolk

Prince Edward County

City of Richmond

Town of South Hill


To view a map of all Virginia Brownfields Restoration and Economic Redevelopment Assistance Fund recipients, click here.

Press Contact(s)

Brian Coy