RICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe today announced that Munters Corporation, a manufacturer of energy recovery systems, dehumidification systems and custom air handling equipment, will invest $2.5 million to expand and upgrade equipment at its manufacturing operation in Buena Vista. Virginia successfully competed against several other states for the project, which will create 100 new jobs.

“Munters is an essential employer and corporate partner to the City of Buena Vista, and this expansion is a great win for the region and the Commonwealth,” said Governor McAuliffe. “The company’s engineered air systems are in high demand for the data center industry, and this expansion enhances Munters’ standing as leading supplier in the U.S. for this product. The addition of 100 new, good-paying manufacturing jobs that offer skills of the 21st century is another success in our efforts to diversify and build the new Virginia economy.”

“With several other states competing for this project, Munters’ decision to expand in Buena Vista is a testament to the region, its workforce, and the Commonwealth as a whole,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Todd Haymore. “As the data center industry continues to grow, it will have a positive spinoff effect for Munters through increased demand for its engineered solutions. We celebrate the growth of another manufacturer that is advancing this critical sector in Virginia, which represents more than $113 billion in direct annual economic output.”

Munters is a global leader and premium partner in energy efficient air treatment solutions. Using innovative technologies, the company’s expert engineers create the perfect climate for customers in a wide range of industries, with the largest customers representing the data center, food, and pharmaceutical sectors. Munters has been defining the future of air treatment since 1955. Today, manufacturing and sales are carried out in 30 countries by nearly 2,700 employees.

“The selection of our Buena Vista, Virginia, facility as a centerpiece of Munters’ data center production expansion is a testament to the craftsmanship, skill and professionalism of our local workforce and the favorable business climate that we enjoy in our Commonwealth,” said Munters Director of Virginia Operations Don Driscoll. “We see fantastic results from the workforce that already calls this area home, and the unmatched quality of life we enjoy in our region makes it easier to recruit top candidates that need to relocate from other parts of the country (and the world). The customers we serve have strict demands and high expectations, and with the advantages I’ve just outlined, we’re uniquely suited to exceed those expectations.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership will support Munter’s new job creation through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP). VJIP provides consultative services and funding to companies creating new jobs or experiencing technological change to support employee training activities. As a business incentive supporting economic development, VJIP reduces the human resource costs of new and expanding companies. VJIP is state-funded, demonstrating Virginia’s commitment to enhancing job opportunities for its citizens.

“The City of Buena Vista is fortunate to have Munters as part of our business community, and we hope this project provides exciting opportunities for our citizens,” said Buena Vista Mayor Larry Tolley. “We are thankful for the faith Munters has in our workforce and City. We, with our partners, are committed to providing a highly skilled workforce to meet the needs of our businesses and industry.”

“Companies like Munters have an impact well beyond jurisdictional boundaries by providing quality employment opportunities for area citizens and highlighting the positive business climate that can be found in a small rural community,” said Rockbridge County Director of Community Development, Sam Crickenberger.

“I am pleased to hear that Munters Corporation is expanding their facility and creating 100 new jobs in Buena Vista and the surrounding area,” said Delegate Ben Cline. “The selection of the Buena Vista facility is a testament to the availability of a highly skilled workforce in this area.”

"Munters Corporation is an excellent company and employer,” said Senator Creigh Deeds. “We welcome the investment and stewardship in Buena Vista and the Rockbridge area."

Press Contact(s)

Brian Coy
Don Driscoll Munters