RICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that Xpress Natural Gas (XNG) will invest $7.8 million to establish a natural gas supply operation in the Appomattox Center for Business and Commerce in Appomattox County. Virginia successfully competed against Pennsylvania for the project, which will create 50 new jobs.

Speaking about today’s announcement from an event in Appomattox, Governor McAuliffe said, “This tremendous project is a win-win, providing 50 valuable jobs in a community that needs them and offering an affordable natural gas supply that can help attract other companies to the Commonwealth. Access to cost-effective energy sources is essential to Virginia’s future growth and economic prosperity. We welcome XNG to Virginia’s corporate roster and look forward to the economic benefits that will stem from today’s significant announcement. Projects like these help us in our efforts to diversify and build a new Virginia economy.”

“XNG’s new operation in Appomattox County will provide an invaluable energy resource that can be accessed remotely and will be a strong asset for economic development in rural Virginia,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice Jones. “The company’s choice of Virginia as its first operation in the Southeast U.S. is another vote of confidence in the Commonwealth’s great workforce, strong infrastructure, business-friendly climate and great quality of life.”

XNG provides an uninterruptable compressed and liquid natural gas supply to remote users in order to avoid a costly, sometimes impossible, installation of pipeline. XNG designed and developed an innovative gas transfer station and successfully operates a logistical natural gas solution using an extensive truck and tanker fleet that is dispatched using a sophisticated tracking system.

“Many businesses across the Commonwealth of Virginia simply cannot get pipeline service,” said Seth Berry, Chief Administrative Officer of XNG. “With our newest terminal in Appomattox, we are strategically positioned to deliver economical and environmentally cleaner natural gas service to industrial, commercial and institutional customers, not only in Virginia, but across the Mid-Atlantic. These businesses would otherwise be forced to rely on more expensive traditional fossil fuels like oil, propane or coal. The incredible reception and support that we have gotten from the County and Governor’s office in Virginia, and the enthusiastic interest from customers in Virginia and neighboring states, made this the best location for XNG to continue building our virtual pipeline from the border of Maine all the way down the East Coast to Florida.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Appomattox County to secure the project for Virginia. Governor McAuliffe approved a $100,000 grant from the Commonwealth’s Opportunity Fund to assist Appomattox with the project. The Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission approved $100,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity Funds. The company is eligible to receive funding from the Economic Development Access Program, administered by the Virginia Department of Transportation. Additional funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program. 

“Xpress Natural Gas’ reputation precedes itself, and Appomattox County is excited about the decision to locate the company's fifth U.S. distribution facility here,” said William Craft, Appomattox County Board of Supervisors Chair.

William Slagle, Appomattox County Economic Development Authority Chairman, said, “We appreciate XNG’s decision to expand their operations to Appomattox County, and share their confidence in the quality workforce and utilization of the natural gas resources located in the Appomattox Center for Business and Commerce.”

“The Commission is proud to be a partner with Appomattox County in creating new jobs and capital investment,” said Delegate Terry Kilgore, Chairman of the Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission. “These jobs will help to revitalize the tobacco region’s economy.”

“I am very glad to welcome Xpress Natural Gas to Appomattox County,” said Delegate Matt Fariss. “It is very exciting to have new jobs in the area, along with a new availability of natural gas to this region. I believe this is a win-win for everyone, and I am happy to have them as a part of the district.”

“I am extremely happy for this business development in Appomattox County,” said Senator Thomas Garrett. “It is a testament to the exemplary local government leadership that this opportunity has come to fruition. The leaders of Appomattox have proven again that Appomattox County and Region 2000 are truly open for business.”

Press Contact(s)

Brian Coy
Seth Berry Xpress Natural Gas
sberry [at]