RICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that Qore Systems, LLC will invest $12.8 million to relocate from Arizona and establish its first Virginia operation in Highlands Business Park, owned and operated by Smyth County and Washington County. The company is a developer, manufacturer and distributor of Qore-24, the world's only antimicrobial hand purifier that effectively kills germs for up to 24 hours. Virginia successfully competed against North Carolina for the project, which will create 140 new jobs.

Speaking about today’s announcement at an event at Highlands Business Park, Governor McAuliffe said, “We are honored and gratified that Qore Systems chose the Commonwealth for its East Coast relocation and expansion. As market visibility and sales opportunities continue to increase for its game-changing product, the company will benefit from a strategic location in Washington County that allows greater access to the U.S. market. This project will provide an economic boost to the region, and help in our efforts to create diverse job opportunities as we build a new Virginia economy.”

“Today we welcome our newest corporate partner, Qore Systems, LLC, to Washington County and to Virginia,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice Jones. “The benefits of the Commonwealth’s location, first-class transportation infrastructure and robust workforce again put us ahead of the competition as the company considered an East Coast operation.”

Qore Systems is a research and development company dedicated to the discovery and production of products created with Amosil-Q: a patented antimicrobial barrier that safely kills germs by tearing them apart on contact. 

“We are very excited for the big changes associated with our relocation from the West to East Coast,” said Bob Newberry, Managing Member of Qore Systems, LLC. “Once the new facility is fully operational, Qore Systems will have all business operations performed under one roof. With the new technology that Qore Systems has developed, we’ll revolutionize the way people shop. I look forward to the exciting changes in our new home at Highlands Business Park.” 

“We’re thrilled about our partnership with Virginia, and we’re proud to be part of the economic development in Smyth and Washington County,” said William Peterson III, Founder and CEO of Qore Systems, LLC. “These areas offer us a wealth of resources as we expand our R&D and manufacturing operations. This will allow Qore Systems to be extended to an even broader audience.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Washington County, the Smyth-Washington Regional Industrial Facilities Authority, and Virginia’s aCorridor to secure the project for Virginia. Governor McAuliffe approved a $500,000 grant from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund to assist the Regional Industrial Facilities Authority with the project. The Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission approved $420,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity Funds. The company is eligible to receive state benefits from the Virginia Enterprise Zone Program, administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, and benefits from the Port of Virginia Economic and Infrastructure Development Zone Grant Program. The company will also be eligible to receive sales and use tax exemptions on manufacturing equipment. Funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program.

“We welcome Qore Systems to Highlands Business Park and look forward to the future opportunities this investment will create for our community,” said Harry Dean, Chairman of the Smyth-Washington Regional Industrial Facilities Authority.

"On behalf of the Virginia Tobacco Commission, I want to congratulate Qore Systems on their decision to bring 140 new jobs to Washington County," said Senator Bill Carrico, member of the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. “In addition to the $420,000 from the Tobacco Region Opportunity Fund, this announcement is highlighted by Qore Systems' capital investment of $12.8 million, which demonstrates their commitment to Washington County and the region."

“The Port of Virginia is happy to welcome another new company that is going to bring jobs and revenue to our state through its manufacturing and distribution operations,” said John F. Reinhart, CEO and executive director of the Virginia Port Authority. “We welcome the opportunity to partner with Qore Systems, LLC by serving as its international import and export trade gateway, and by providing funding through the Port of Virginia Economic and Infrastructure Development Grant Program and the Virginia Port Tax Credits.”

"It's encouraging that Qore Systems has chosen to locate their business in our region, which will result in over 140 new jobs and significant financial investments in Southwest Virginia,” said Delegate Israel O’Quinn. “Throughout the past year, I have enjoyed getting to know these individuals and their product and it's exciting to see this coming to fruition. We welcome Qore Systems to Southwest Virginia and look forward to working with them in the future."

Press Contact(s)

Rachel Thomas
Vince Adam Qore Systems, LLC