RICHMOND - Governor Bob McDonnell announced today that WEIGHTPACK, Inc., a packaging machinery company that designs and builds complete lines for the filling and capping of liquid product containers, will invest $2.6 million to move its headquarters operation from Italy and expand its Powhatan County production facility. The project will ultimately create 35 new jobs.

Speaking about today’s announcement, Governor McDonnell said, “We are thrilled that with this project WEIGHTPACK is moving its corporate headquarters from Italy to its Powhatan County operation in the United States and also expanding production. As a result, the Virginia-based facility will play an essential role in the company’s continued success. The WEIGHTPACK machines sold in the Americas and Asia are fully assembled and serviced at the Virginia plant, and this expansion will enable the company to meet increased demand from its U.S. and international customers. Powhatan County offers the right workforce and the right business cost, and we are proud that WEIGHTPACK chose the Commonwealth for its headquarters move to the U.S.”

“The expansion of a strong employer and the gain of a corporate headquarters and 35 new job opportunities is great news for Powhatan County,” said Jim Cheng, Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade. “WEIGHTPACK’s multi-million dollar investment will ensure the company’s viability in Virginia as product demands grow.”

WEIGHTPACK, Inc. designs, manufactures and assembles highly precise net weight fillers, filler/capper lines, and customized systems for the packaging industry.

“The decision to move our corporate headquarters from Italy to Virginia reflects our belief that the United States has and will continue its leadership role in the high technology field throughout the world,” said WEIGHTPACK CEO, Gianguido Corniani.

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Powhatan County to secure the project for Virginia. Through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program, the Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide funding and services to support the company’s recruitment and training activities.

“Powhatan County is pleased to partner with The Governor’s Office and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership to provide support to WEIGHTPACK,” said Barry Hodge, Chairman of the Powhatan County Board of Supervisors. “We are proud that WEIGHTPACK has chosen Powhatan County as a place to do business. WEIGHTPACK’s business fits perfectly with Powhatan’s economic development plans and its expansion here is recognition of the quality of the County’s school system in preparing the workforce of tomorrow.”

Press Contact(s)

Jeff Caldwell (804) 225-4260
Susan Marannano WEIGHTPACK, Inc.