RICHMOND - The Board of Directors of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) today announced that it has unanimously selected Martin J. Briley as VEDP President and CEO following a six-month national search. Briley has served as Executive Director of the Prince William County Department of Economic Development (PWC ED) since 1997. Possessing 25 years of experience in national and international business development and management, Briley is a results-driven leader nationally recognized as a consensus builder, skilled negotiator, and deal closer. During his tenure at PWC ED, announced investment rose from an annual average of $20 million to $250 million per year, and currently totals $3.46 billion. At-place employment has grown 50 percent, adding 36,000 jobs. Briley succeeds Jeffrey M. Anderson, who served as VEDP President and CEO for six years.

“Selecting a leader that will help the organization continue to bring new jobs to the Commonwealth and retain Virginia’s top-rate standing has been the Board’s mission throughout this search process,” said VEDP Board Chairman Julien G. Patterson of Richmond. “Martin Briley brings a wealth of experience in both economic development and national and global business. He has achieved great success during his tenure with Prince William County, and I have utmost confidence that Martin will continue VEDP’s strong legacy of success, and take the Partnership to new heights.”

VEDP Board Member and Search Committee Chairman Hugh Keogh said, “Selection of the best successor to lead VEDP is one of our most critical duties as a Board, and one that we have taken very seriously. A thorough national search was completed by an international recruiting firm, and one of our own in Virginia stood out among a multitude of candidates. At the end of the process, the VEDP Board unanimously agreed that Martin Briley was the right person for the job.”

"I am grateful to the VEDP Board of Directors for their confidence and trust in providing me with this extraordinary opportunity, and I look forward to joining the talented and energetic team of top professionals passionately engaged in advancing the economy of the Commonwealth of Virginia,” said Briley.

On behalf of Governor McDonnell and his Commerce and Trade team, we welcome Martin to VEDP and look forward to working with him to continue to make Virginia an even better place to do business,” said Jim Cheng, Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade. “Martin’s resume, accolades, and business experience speaks volumes, and there is no doubt economic development in Virginia will continue its upward trajectory under his leadership.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership, a marketing organization, was created by the Virginia General Assembly in 1995 to encourage, stimulate, and support the development and expansion of the economy of the Commonwealth. The Partnership is a state authority, which is governed by a 23-member Board of Directors appointed by the Governor and the Virginia General Assembly. The mission of the Partnership is to enhance the quality of life and raise the standard of living for all Virginians, in collaboration with Virginia communities, through aggressive business recruitment, expansion assistance, and trade development, thereby expanding the tax base and creating higher-income employment opportunities.