RICHMOND - Governor Bob McDonnell today announced that TREAD Corporation, a manufacturer of bulk handling equipment servicing the explosives industry on a worldwide basis, will invest $5 million to expand its operations in Botetourt County. The project will create 100 new jobs. Virginia successfully competed against South Carolina for the project.

Speaking about today’s announcement, Governor McDonnell said, “Botetourt County has been home to TREAD Corporation’s corporate, sales and support, and manufacturing operations since 2004. The company has experienced tremendous growth operating equipment all over the globe from Botetourt, and appreciates the ample workforce found in the region. We are thrilled that TREAD will continue to expand this campus due to the success they have found in Virginia.”

“TREAD Corporation is an important employer in Botetourt County,” said Jim Cheng, Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade. “The company needed additional land to expand its operations, and the County came through to meet TREAD’s needs. This expansion and the addition of 100 new jobs is great news for the Roanoke Valley and the Commonwealth.”

TREAD Corporation was founded in 1957. The company’s mission is to provide innovative, high-quality commercial explosives equipment solutions by promoting safety and excellence in an environment of trusted partnerships with its associates, customers, suppliers and community. Corporate offices and the manufacturing facilities are located in Botetourt County, Virginia, with service capabilities managed from Chile, Australia and South Africa.

“Our location in Botetourt County strategically positions the company to service the global explosives equipment market,” said Bill McClane, CEO, TREAD Corporation. “TREAD is fortunate to have a skilled workforce which, when coupled with economic opportunities, provides the resources to grow the business and serve our customers’ needs.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Botetourt County and the Roanoke Regional Partnership to secure the project for Virginia. Governor McDonnell approved a $100,000 grant from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund to assist Botetourt County with the project. Through its Virginia Jobs Investment Program, the Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide funding and services to support the company’s recruitment, training and retraining activities.

“Botetourt County is pleased to once again see one of its key businesses expand, thus confirming our excellent business climate that allows companies to successfully compete in the global market,” said Botetourt County Administrator Jerry Burgess.

Press Contact(s)

Jeff Caldwell (804) 225-4260
Phil Bortz TREAD Corporation