RICHMOND - Governor Timothy M. Kaine today announced that Showbest Fixture Corporation, which manufactures and installs fixtures for retail stores nationwide, will invest more than $2.5 million to locate a facility in Nottoway County. The Richmond-based company will create 104 jobs that range from supervisory positions to machine operators. Virginia successfully competed with North Carolina and Pennsylvania for the project.

“Showbest Fixture Corporation relocated its operations to Virginia in 1991 to reduce its manufacturing costs and has already grown substantially at its Richmond location,” Governor Kaine said. “We are thrilled that our low-cost environment has boosted the company’s success in the Commonwealth, leading to this third expansion that will benefit Nottoway County.”

Founded in 1969 in New Jersey, Showbest has manufactured and installed fixtures for thousands of retail stores from coast to coast. The company serves regional and national specialty store chains and independent retailers, large and small. Showbest also offers proprietary lines of fixtures for retailers across the country.

“Even though North Carolina had strong incentives, it was the response, cooperation and support I received that confirmed the expansion in Virginia was the best choice,” said Jim Schubert, President of Showbest Fixture Corporation. “I was particularly impressed with how the various agencies collaborated to identify the financial incentives and business assistance to help Showbest meet its goals. Special thanks to Nottoway County, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, the Tobacco Commission and the Virginia Department of Business Assistance for making this happen. Your continued strong work will keep Virginia the number one state for business.”

“Much has been written about the loss of manufacturing jobs to foreign competition,” Schubert added. “This project is an example of how businesses and the Commonwealth working together will assure manufacturing jobs still exist in Virginia.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Nottoway County to secure the project for Virginia. Governor Kaine approved $100,000 from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund to assist Nottoway County with the project. The Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission invested $200,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity Funds to support the project. The Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide training assistance through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program.

“Nottoway County is extremely pleased to have Showbest Fixtures Corporation choose our community for their newest expansion. The selection of the Blackstone site will not only produce great benefits for our immediate area, but regionally as well, particularly Southside,” stated Joe Morrissette, Chairman of the Nottoway County Economic Development Committee.

Press Contact(s)

Gordon Hickey
(804) 225-4260
Christie Miller
(804) 545-5805
Jim Schubert Showbest Fixture Corp.