RICHMOND - Governor Timothy M. Kaine today welcomed a delegation of 10 Canadian modeling and simulation firms to Virginia. The delegation – Partners in Technology – is visiting Hampton Roads October 17-18 to meet with representatives from Virginia’s modeling and simulation industry to foster the establishment of business and research ties that will benefit the economies of Canada and Virginia through increased trade and investment.

“This is a significant first for the Canadian Embassy to take its companies beyond the Beltway to have more direct contact with Virginia’s business community,” said Governor Kaine. “This tour of Virginia’s modeling and simulation assets capitalizes on the collaborative nature of the industry, bringing together the talents of Virginian and Canadian innovators to establish what we believe will be a mutually beneficial partnership.”

The Trade Commissioner Service at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C., organized the delegation visit with the assistance of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP), the Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance (HREDA), Old Dominion University (ODU) and Hampton University. Visits to ODU’s demonstration and modeling laboratories and the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center will highlight Virginia’s strength and expertise in modeling and simulation.

Canada offers expertise across the entire multimedia spectrum. Multimedia, a major Canadian strength, represents a large component of Canada’s information and communication technology sector. It comprises more than 2,300 firms and 18,000 employees with annual industry revenues growing at more than 20 percent per year. The program in Hampton Roads will offer local modeling and simulation leaders opportunities to pursue partnerships and develop synergies with their Canadian counterparts. It will also serve as an excellent gateway to enhancing the bilateral trade and investment relationship between Virginia and Canada.

Virginia is one of 36 American states where Canada was the number one export market in 2006. Virginia and Canada have had a mutually beneficial relationship – 197,000 Virginia jobs supported by bilateral trade in 2005 and total merchandise trade totaling $5.2 billion in 2006. Virginia exported more to Canada than to Germany and China combined, accounting for almost 19 percent of the state's worldwide sales.

The delegation’s visit to Hampton Roads is the third stage in a developing partnership between the Canadian Embassy and Virginia. In October 2006, VEDP, HREDA and ODU met with a similar delegation in Washington, D.C., to bring awareness of Virginia’s modeling and simulation assets. In June, Virginia representatives traveled to Ottawa and Montreal to present seminars to the Canadian technology community.

Press Contact(s)

Kevin Hall
(804) 225-4260
Christie Miller
(804) 545-5805