RICHMOND - Where in the world are Virginia’s products? Try Egypt, the South Pole and Kazakhstan for starters.

In fact, The Virginia Economic Development Partnership’s (VEDP) International Trade Division helped more than 270 Virginia companies do business last year in faraway places. Companies will have the opportunity to tout the worldliness of their wares in a 2008 calendar being created by VEDP. The Division is sponsoring a contest for inclusion in the Beyond Virginia 2008 calendar, which will be distributed at no charge to companies throughout the Commonwealth in the third quarter of 2007.

“The calendar will be designed to showcase the diverse range of Virginia products that are found throughout the world,” said Paul Grossman, VEDP International Trade Division Director. “In addition to serving as an awareness tool, we hope it will encourage other Virginia companies that are considering expansion into international markets to take the plunge.”

Virginia companies are asked to submit a photograph and a brief description of their company and product. Winning entries will be featured in an assigned month and one company will be highlighted on the calendar’s front cover. Companies must manufacture a product in Virginia that is sold or in service overseas to be eligible. Complete contest rules and an entry form can be found at There is no entry fee and contest entries will be taken Jan. 15 through April 15.

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership, a marketing organization, was created by the Virginia General Assembly in 1995 to encourage, stimulate, and support the development and expansion of the economy of the Commonwealth. The Partnership is a state authority, which is governed by a 21-member Board of Directors appointed by the Governor and the Virginia General Assembly. To accomplish its objectives of promoting economic expansion within the Commonwealth, the Partnership focuses its efforts on business recruitment, expansion and international trade. VEDP has offices in Virginia, Germany, Hong Kong, Mexico, Brazil, Korea and Japan.

Press Contact(s)

Christie Miller
(804) 545-5805