RICHMOND - Governor Mark R. Warner today announced that McGill-Leprechaun will invest $5 million to construct a biodegradable material recovery and recycling center in Sussex County. The facility will manufacture organic fertilizers and soil amendments. The project will create up to 25 new jobs in the first year. Virginia successfully competed against North Carolina for the project.

“My administration continues to make a special effort in communities like Sussex County to ensure that quality, stable companies such as McGill-Leprechaun recognize the attributes of the region,” said Governor Warner. “Sussex County’s quality workforce as well as convenient access to potential customers and suppliers helped us close the deal.”

McGill-Leprechaun was founded in North Carolina in 1991 where it now operates two facilities. The company was named last year’s North Carolina Small Business of the Year runner-up. McGill also operates three facilities in Ireland and has been involved in environmental and recycling projects around the world, including the Philippines, Thailand and Europe.

“We chose to locate in Sussex County because we recognize the definite business advantage of uncomplicated access to high density population areas via existing road systems,” said Noel Lyons, President, McGill-Leprechaun. “From Sussex County, we have excellent client potential for our services and great opportunities for sales of our organic soil amendment products in the Richmond-Petersburg and Hampton Roads areas.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Sussex County and Virginia’s Gateway Region to secure the project for Virginia. The Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide training assistance through its Workforce Services Program.

“The Sussex County Board of Supervisors is excited about the opportunities that McGill- Leprechaun affords the County and its citizens,” said Bill Collins, Chairman, Sussex County Board of Supervisors. “Sussex County has an abundance of natural resources to fulfill McGill’s requirements. It has indeed been a pleasure working with the Governor’s staff, specifically the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and Virginia’s Gateway Region to make this venture a reality. We are committed to making this effort seamless and positive for all concerned.”

Press Contact(s)

Kevin Hall
(804) 225-4260
Christie Collins
(804) 545-5805
Bob Broom McGill-Leprechaun