MUMBAI, INDIA - Governor Mark R. Warner today announced that Sterling Gelatin, America, Inc. will invest $2.5 million to build a distribution warehouse in Prince George County. The new facility, which will house pharmaceutical gelatins, will result in the creation of 20 new jobs. The new facility will replace the company’s current leased facility in Chester that employs five. Governor Warner and company Chairman and Managing Director Nitin Sandesara announced the project following a meeting at Sterling Biotech Ltd.’s Mumbai, India headquarters. The Governor currently is on a weeklong trade mission to India – the first by a Virginia governor.

“The Commonwealth’s pro-business climate and the Port of Virginia played big roles in securing this project,” said Governor Warner. “Sterling Gelatin will be a welcome addition to our expanding biotech and pharmaceutical industries, and this investment broadens the base of Indian companies locating in Virginia.”

Sterling Biotech is the largest manufacturer of pharmaceutical gelatins in Asia and a significant global player in the industry. The company has a significant presence in the U.S. market with many of the leading healthcare companies as Sterling’s customers. Sterling’s world-class gelatin manufacturing facility located in India employs the latest innovations in technology for manufacture of gelatin and is managed by high-caliber professionals in the industry. The company is one of 24 worldwide gelatin companies, with 70 percent market share in India and about 7 percent worldwide.

“I want to commend Governor Warner for coming to India to expand business ties between Virginia and our country,” said Mr. Sandesara. “We look forward to being in the Commonwealth and Prince George County, and we will also be looking at new opportunities to expand in the near future.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership worked with Prince George County to secure the project for Virginia.

“Prince George County is so very pleased to welcome yet another new corporate partner,” said Joseph A. “Joe” Leming, M.D., Chairman of the Prince George County Board of Supervisors. “We believe that our pro-business, pro-economic development posture positions us for additional sound business growth. Sterling Gelatin’s distribution center fits well with our economic development goals. Working with our corporate partners we can strive to fulfill the vision of Prince George County to be the best place to live, learn, work and raise a family.”

Press Contact(s)

Ellen Qualls
(804) 225-3048
Christie Collins
(804) 545-5805
Danny Patel Sterling Gelatin, America, Inc.