HENRY COUNTY - Governor Mark R. Warner today announced that StarTek, Inc., will invest $5 million to open a technical support and customer care center in Henry County. The project will result in 500 new jobs over the next 30 months. This is StarTek’s second customer service center announced this year in Virginia. In March, StarTek announced it would open a facility and create 500 jobs in Lynchburg.

“StarTek is tapping into an underutilized workforce in Henry County,” said Governor Warner. “The company will take advantage of Southside Virginia’s strong and available labor pool by providing jobs at the customer service, supervisory, and management levels. We welcomed StarTek to Lynchburg in March, and now another 500 jobs in Southside is great news.”

Founded in 1987 and based in Denver, Colorado, StarTek works closely with clients to develop and implement cost-effective solutions that provide customer care, complex process management, technical support, and receivables management.

“We chose Henry County after a conducting a comprehensive site selection process that evaluated many cities nationwide,” Lance Zingale, chief operating officer. “We see great opportunity and growth in the community of Henry County and look forward to our long-term partnership.”

Henry County obtained $250,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity Funds from the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. The company will take advantage of a Virginia Department of Business Assistance’s Workforce Services Training Grant, as well as a Workforce Investment Board Displaced Worker On-The-Job Training Grant. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership teamed up with Henry County and Martinsville economic development officials to assist StarTek with its decision. 

“This is a great day for the people of Henry County and Martinsville,” said David Davis, chairman of the Henry County Board of Supervisors. “The Board of Supervisors is thrilled to play a part in bringing this wonderful company to our region."

Interested candidates for employment can send their resumes to martinsvillejobs [at] startek.com.

StarTek, Inc. is a leading provider of business process outsourced services, which consist of business process management and supply chain management services. StarTek provides services from 19 operating facilities, including five in Colorado, five in Canada, two in Europe, and one each in Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wyoming. The Company's primary clients are in the telecommunications and computer software industries, and it also serves clients in the computer hardware, consumer products, cable TV, entertainment, utility, Internet, and e-commerce industries.

With this announcement, Governor Warner has announced the creation of 2,026 new jobs in 12 announcements in Martinsville and Henry County since his term began in 2002.

Press Contact(s)

Ellen Qualls
(804) 225-3048
Jill Vaughan
(804) 371-0049
Zenna Fisher GroundFloor Media for Startek, Inc.