RICHMOND - Governor Mark R. Warner today announced that Mediatech, Inc. will construct its new corporate headquarters and a biotechnology manufacturing facility in Prince William County’s Innovation@ Technology Park. The company will add 100 new jobs through a $10 million investment. Mediatech is currently located in Fairfax County and employs 101 people, but growth needs caused the firm to search for a larger site. Virginia successfully competed with Maryland and North Carolina for the project, yet Mediatech chose to remain in Virginia by selecting the Prince William County location.

“With a larger corporate headquarters and a new biotech manufacturing plant in Prince William County, Mediatech continues to remain a valuable business partner to the Commonwealth,” said Governor Warner. “Innovation@ Prince William County Technology Park has been successful in attracting bright and promising business opportunities.”

Mediatech, Inc., a privately held company, is a leading manufacturer of life science products, with a portfolio of trademarked items including cellgro®. Mediatech is a registered FDA device establishment. Through a diverse line of high quality products incorporating innovative technology and packaging media, Mediatech seeks to meet the specific needs of its customers. The company’s principal end users are renowned research and biotechnology institutions and pharmaceutical corporations that utilize Mediatech’s products in pioneering research to treat human and animal diseases. Mediatech is deeply involved in the production of cellular transplantation processing materials.

“Mediatech selected Innovation@Prince William for our new corporate headquarters and state-of-the-art biotech manufacturing facility after an exhaustive multi-state search,” said Mediatech President Jim DeOlden. “We recognize the growing opportunities and resources Prince William County had to offer. Additionally, we recognize the advancing presence of biotechnology in the area and the potential opportunities to work closely with surrounding universities like George Mason as well as other top quality biotechnology companies.” 
The Virginia Economic Development Partnership along with the Prince William County Department of Economic Development worked to attract Mediatech to the area. Governor Warner approved a $400,000 Governor’s Opportunity Fund grant to assist Prince William County with the project. The company will benefit from the Virginia Department of Business Assistance’s Workforce Services program.

“Prince William County is pleased to welcome Mediatech as the newest addition to our growing biotechnology business community,” said Prince William County Board of County Supervisors Chairman Sean T. Connaughton. “Mediatech’s decision to locate in Prince William County confirms our position as a premier biotechnology and life science business location.”

Press Contact(s)

Ellen Qualls
(804) 225-3048
Jill Vaughan
(804) 371-0049
James E. DeOlden Mediatech, Inc.