RICHMOND - Governor Mark R. Warner today announced that SEA Systems Group, Inc. (SEAS), a manufacturer of advanced impact, shock and vibration mitigating materials, will expand its operations in Mecklenburg County. Through a $175,000 investment, SEAS will create 25 new jobs at its Clarksville manufacturing and testing facility. Virginia successfully competed with North Carolina for the project.

“I am very pleased that SEA Systems Group has decided to expand its operations in Mecklenburg County and take advantage of the skilled workforce and business friendly environment that the county and state provide,” said Governor Warner. “These 25 new defense-related jobs are good news for Southside Virginia.”

SEA Systems Group, Inc. is a leader in the development of engineered impact, shock and vibration energy management solutions for aerospace, military, law enforcement and homeland security applications, as well as the hi-speed boat, motorsports, heavy equipment, recreational vehicle and sports industries. The company’s MitiGator™ Technology Intelligent Isolation™ can be found in products from major weapon systems and boats to sport padding. For more information, visit

“Virginia was selected for this expansion because of its pro-small business atmosphere,” said Barbara McKinney, President of SEA Systems Group. “Mecklenburg County, and Clarksville specifically, were chosen because of new infrastructure, a skilled workforce and the quality of life available.”

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership, the Mecklenburg County Office of Economic Development, the Town of Clarksville, the Southside Planning Commission and the Longwood Small Business Development Center assisted SEAS with its decision. The company will take advantage of the Virginia Department of Business Assistance’s Workforce Services Program.

Press Contact(s)

Ellen Qualls
(804) 225-3048
Jill Vaughan
(804) 371-0049
Barbara McKinney SEA Systems Group, Inc.