RICHMOND - Governor Mark R. Warner today announced that Rage Corporation, a plastics manufacturer, will locate a new facility in Campbell County’s Town of Altavista. Through a $2-million investment, the company will create 25 new jobs. Virginia successfully competed with Ohio for the project.

“I am very pleased that Rage Corporation has decided to locate a new manufacturing facility in Altavista,” said Governor Warner. “With a strong cluster of successful plastics companies, Virginia is the optimal location for this investment.”

Rage Corporation, a custom injection molding business, was formed in 1968 in the basement of its founder’s home. Like many small and growing businesses, Rage found itself in need of a larger space. The company relocated five miles to Columbus, Ohio. Today, after 25 years and three more expansions, Rage Corporation finds the need to expand once again. The company’s newest location will be in Altavista, Virginia.

The Altavista facility will enable Rage Corporation to have exposure to new markets in both blow molding and injection molding. This regional base of operation gives the company a closer proximity to its existing customers.

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership, Region 2000 Economic Development Partnership, the Town of Altavista and Campbell County assisted Rage Corporation with its decision. The company qualifies for rail access funding from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation. The Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide workforce training services.

Press Contact(s)

Ellen Qualls
(804) 225-3048
Jill Vaughan
(804) 371-0049
Daniel P. Saliaris Rage Corporation