RICHMOND - Governor Mark R. Warner today announced that Essel Propack America LLC will invest $10.4 million to expand the company’s existing operations in the City of Danville. The project will create 50 new, full-time jobs over 12 months, with higher-than-average salaries for the city. Virginia successfully competed with Mexico for the project.

In July 2002, Essel Propack announced its decision to locate the company’s first U.S. manufacturing facility in Danville’s Airside Industrial Park. The facility manufactures and supplies toothpaste tubes to Procter & Gamble’s Greensboro, North Carolina plant. In just over a year of operation, Essel Propack has invested more than $21 million and created 87 jobs in the City of Danville.

“Essel Propack is an outstanding company, and we are proud of its success in Southside Virginia,” said Governor Warner. “I am pleased that the Commonwealth could assist in bringing this expansion and investment to the City of Danville. The creation of 50 new jobs will provide valuable employment opportunities for the people of this region.”

Headquartered in Bombay, India, EsselPropack Ltd. is the world’s largest laminated and plastic tube manufacturer. These tubes are used by the dental care, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, and household products industries. The company was founded in 1984 and currently has manufacturing operations in 10 countries across the globe.

“The City of Danville’s strategic location and excellent business climate make this a natural choice for our expansion,” said Manuel Diez, Essel Propack America LLC Executive Vice President. “Our decision to expand in Danville is a result of a strong partnership between the local government and Essel Propack,” said Diez. “The process was efficient and the City respected our tight timelines. We have enjoyed an excellent relationship with the City of Danville and look forward to taking this next major step as Essel Propack continues to grow.”
Governor Warner approved a $75,000 grant from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund to assist the City of Danville with the project. Additionally, the city obtained $100,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity Funds from the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership and the City of Danville Office of Economic Development assisted Essel Propack with its decision to expand. The Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide workforce training services.

“The City of Danville works hard to ensure we are competitive at a global level. We are very proud of our association with Essel Propack and their selection of Danville for their expansion project,” said Danville City Manager Jerry Gwaltney. “This announcement is a tremendous win for the City of Danville and the Commonwealth. We look forward to working with Essel Propack as they continue to gain market share throughout the world.”

Press Contact(s)

Ellen Qualls
(804) 225-3048
Jill Vaughan
(804) 371-0049
Manuel Diez Essel Propack America LLC