RICHMOND - Governor Mark R. Warner today announced that the DRS Group, one of the nations leading document management services companies, will locate 115 new jobs in Mecklenburg County’s Town of Clarksville. Through a $1 million investment, the company will open a 32,000 square foot document conversion supercenter in the Lake Country Industrial Park Building. Virginia successfully competed with North Carolina for the investment. 

“Today’s announcement demonstrates that Southside Virginia can successfully compete for technology-based companies,” said Governor Warner. “This is great news for Mecklenburg County and a hopeful sign for the entire Lake Country region.”

Founded in 1964, the DRS Group offers a complete line of document management services including imaging, data capture, and micrographics. The DRS Group is a leader in document conversions for financial institutions, hospitals, and major corporations. Currently, the company’s production facilities convert more than 100 million documents each year making The DRS Group one of the largest service companies of its kind. The DRS Group has existing facilities located in Florida, Georgia, New York and North Carolina. In Mecklenburg, The DRS Group will hire additional management, IT support staff and document & data capture operators. Hiring for the facility is scheduled to start within 45 days and the company’s Mecklenburg County operations will commence in the August/September timeframe.

“As The DRS Group continues to grow and expand their operations in the South, specifically the Virginia market, having a supercenter in a strategic location such as Clarksville, allows us to improve the service levels to existing accounts while opening up the opportunity to secure net new business. After spending several days in the area, it became obvious to all of us that Mecklenburg County has a strong workforce, which will allow us to open such a center and not miss a beat” said Paul Solomon, Chief Operating Officer with DRS.

The Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission approved $170,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity funds to assist Mecklenburg County with the project. The company is eligible to receive tax credits because it is locating in an enterprise zone. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership, Mecklenburg County and the Town of Clarksville assisted the company with its decision. The Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide workforce training services.

Press Contact(s)

Ellen Qualls
(804) 225-3048
Jill Vaughan
(804) 371-0049
Clifford Newman The DRS Group