RICHMOND - Governor Mark R. Warner today announced that Liebherr, a manufacturer of mining and construction machinery, is expanding its operations in the City of Newport News. Through a $4 million investment, Liebherr has made substantial modifications to its existing plant and anticipates the investment to continue as the domestic and international demand for large scale off-highway equipment grows. Employment has steadily increased over the past four years and it is anticipated that 134 new jobs will be created as Liebherr’s growth continues. Virginia successfully competed with Kansas for the investment. 

“Liebherr first located in Newport News over 30 years ago and currently employs more than 290 Virginians,” said Governor Warner. “The company’s expansion will result in new jobs and opportunities for the people of Virginia’s Peninsula.”

Switzerland-based Liebherr is a family owned entity with 60 individual companies active on all continents. A new company, Liebherr Concrete Technology Co., has just joined the existing Liebherr Newport News headquartered companies, bringing the total to five Liebherr companies in Virginia: Liebherr-America, Liebherr Mining International, Liebherr Mining Equipment Co., and Liebherr Construction Equipment Co. A range of off-highway diesel electric haul trucks are the primary products currently manufactured at the Virginia facility. The plant also manufactures a line of self-propelled maintenance support tools for use with heavy earthmoving equipment. 

“The region’s excellent workforce and strategic location – close to convenient port access – were the predominate reasons Newport News was chosen for our Virginia headquarters over 30 years ago,” said a Liebherr management representative. “These same reasons are why we’ve chosen to grow our operations in the Commonwealth of Virginia.” 
The Virginia Economic Development Partnership, the Peninsula Alliance for Economic Development and the City of Newport News assisted Liebherr with its decision. The Virginia Department of Business Assistance will provide workforce training services.

Press Contact(s)

Ellen Qualls
(804) 225-3048
Jill Vaughan
(804) 371-0049
Merilee Hunt Liebherr Mining Equipment Co.