RICHMOND - Governor Mark R. Warner presented “One Virginia—One Future,” the Commonwealth’s new economic development strategic plan, to a group of more than 400 business leaders at today’s Virginia Economic Development Seminar in Richmond. 

The plan, required by the Code of Virginia, must be completed by the conclusion of a Governor’s first year in office. In August, Governor Warner appointed a steering committee comprised of business, community, and economic development leaders from across the Commonwealth. The Governor charged the panel, chaired by Secretary of Commerce and Trade Michael J. Schewel, to examine the critical economic development issues facing Virginia and recommend innovative strategies to address those issues.

“As we work to recover from the current economic difficulty, aggressive economic development creates new quality jobs and increases state and local revenue,” said Governor Warner. “I thank Secretary Schewel, the steering committee and the many Virginia citizens, business leaders and economic developers who took part in this process.”

Secretary Schewel said the strategic plan will help focus the state’s long-term goals into measurable results. “Governor Warner has kept his promise of serving as Virginia’s chief economic development officer,” said Secretary Schewel. “His leadership and personal involvement gives Virginia a competitive edge, and makes a statement to the global business community that Virginia is a solid business partner.”

Read the entire text of “One Virginia—One Future” on Governor Warner’s Web site at

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