RICHMOND - Governor Mark R. Warner today welcomed two technology companies to Culpeper County. Competitive Innovations, LLC, a web solutions company, plans to invest $1 million and create 40 new jobs in the Town of Culpeper over the next three years. Attotek, a research and development software contractor, will create 40 new jobs through a $1.2 million investment in Culpeper County. Both companies will benefit from workforce training services provided by the Virginia Department of Business Assistance.

“These companies are bringing quality employment opportunities that truly benefit this region,” said Governor Warner. “I am pleased to welcome this investment to Culpeper County and I look forward to the region’s growth as a 21st century technology leader, especially in the vital federal contracting industry.”

Competitive Innovations, LLC is a Microsoft and HUB Zone certified e-government / e-business solutions consulting and integration firm. The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Zone Empowerment Contracting Program stimulates economic development and creates jobs in urban and rural communities by providing federal contracting preferences to small businesses. Competitive Innovations is based in downtown Culpeper and has plans to expand into approximately 10,000 square feet of nearby retail space that will be converted for use by its high technology workforce. Competitive Innovation’s credentials include work for government, non-profit, education, and commercial enterprises. The company plans to hire programmers, web consultants, developers and project managers.

“Culpeper’s proximity and reverse commute from the Northern Virginia technology corridor, our federal customers in Washington, D.C. and its close proximity to the University of Virginia were key factors in our selection process,” said Mike Kennedy, Competitive Innovations’ President & CEO. “This location combined with our HUB Zone status provides the company with plenty of room to expand.”

AttoTek, also a recently certified HUB Zone small business, is a research and development contractor for the defense industry. The company plans to build an expandable 10,000-square-foot facility on State Route 684 and attract other defense contractors to the area. AttoTek plans to hire software and information technology engineers as well as research scientists with experience in Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance. 

“Culpeper’s tranquil setting and proximity to the Northern Virginia technology corridor provides an ideal setting for AttoTek. With no commute, low crime and plenty of open space, we hope to increase the quality of life for our staff both at work and home. These benefits will help us compete against larger defense contractors in both hiring and retaining employees. I suspect we are just the first wave of many companies that will relocate to the area,” said AttoTek President Dave Martin.

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership, the Thomas Jefferson Partnership for Economic Development and the Culpeper County Economic Development Department assisted these companies with their decisions.

“We are extremely pleased that Competitive Innovations and AttoTek have decided to locate in Culpeper and the number and quality of jobs to be created by these two businesses will certainly benefit the local economy,” said John Coates, Chairman of the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors. “Their decision to locate here underscores our strategic position for knowledge and technology based industries. Our quality of life, highly trained labor force and modern infrastructure make Culpeper an ideal environment for businesses that need to be located near major metropolitan areas and universities, but want to enjoy the benefits of a rural community.”

Press Contact(s)

Ellen Qualls
(804) 225-3048
Jill Vaughan
(804) 371-0049