The Electric Infrastructure Program allows electric utilities to recover costs incurred to construct, operate, and maintain transmission lines and associated substations installed to provide service to a business park when found eligible for a rate adjustment approved by the State Corporation Commission (SCC). The program allows for three sites in each utility’s certificated service territory.


John Loftus
804.545.5786 | jmhaynes [at] (jloftus[at]vedp[dot]org)


  • The business park being serviced must be a minimum of 100 contiguous acres classified as a Tier 4 site under VEDP’s Virginia Business Ready Sites Program (VBRSP).
  • The business park must fall within an opportunity zone.
  • The business park project must be part of a revenue sharing agreement between two or more localities.
  • The transmission line shall be less than seven miles in length.

The following sites appear to meet the qualifications of the program as of 11/1/2019:

  • Cane Creek Business Center - Pittsylvania County
  • Commonwealth Crossing Business Park - Henry County
  • Heartland Regional Business Park - Charlotte County
  • Mid-Atlantic Advanced Manufacturing Center - Greensville County
  • Roanoke River Business Park - Mecklenburg County
  • Southern Virginia Mega Site at Berry Hill - Pittsylvania County
  • Wildwood Commerce Park - Carroll County
  • Wood Haven Business Park - Roanoke County
  • Wythe County Progress Park - Wythe County


  • The utility and participating locality submits an application, which is reviewed by VEDP’s Incentives Division.
  • VEDP certifies projects that meet the eligibility criteria for participation in the program.
  • VEDP provides the utility a certification letter that may be submitted with the utility’s documentation to the SCC for a rate adjustment.
